Non-English Resources

The IFR4NPO project aims to provide more content and resources in French, Spanish and Arabic to support greater engagement.

Resources in other languages

IFR4NPO is designed with diversity and inclusion as its heart, we seek to engage with individuals from a range of different stakeholder groups, nationalities, geographical locations, races and genders. This is important for many reasons, including the credibility and validity of the guidance development process and the quality of the final product. We are committed to translating as much content as possible into Spanish and French. Some content is also available in Arabic, but we have not been able to sustain continued translation to Arabic.

Ressources Français

À propos de l’animation IFR4NPO

Assietou Diouf – membre du groupe de pilotage IFR4NPO

Présentation des états financiers/rapports narratifs : intro & challenges – sous-titres Français

Présentation des états financiers:Alternatives en consultation Document-Français sous-titres

Rapports narratifs:Alternatives en consultation Document-Français sous-titres

Événement de consultation régionale – Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

Événement de consultation régionale – Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre: diaporama de presentation

Réunion de sensibilisation au pays-Sénégal : diaporama de presentation

Bâtir le futur de l’information financiere des EBNL- Sénégal

Recursos en español

Sobre Nosotros IFR4NPO animation- ENGLISH

Evento de consulta regional – América Latina

El futuro de la información financiera global sin fines de lucro – Colombia y América Latina

Reunión de sensibilización sobre el país – Columbia: presentación de diapositivas

Evento de consulta regional – América Latina: presentación de diapositivas

الموارد باللغة العربية

اجتماع التوعية القطرية – مصر

حدث تشاور إقليمي – شمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط

اجتماع التوعية القطرية – مصر: عرض شرائح



Consultation Paper

Certain sections of the Consultation Paper have been translated into the languages show below. We are grateful to those who have supported this work, and please email us if you have proposals for other translations.

  • Arabic – Executive Summary
  • French – Executive Summary
  • Spanish – Complete Consultation Paper


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