June 2023
Time zone: UTC
11:30 - 01:30

TAG meeting, 27 June, Online

Common Acronyms

  • ED – Exposure Draft
  • INPAG – International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance
  • EN – English
  • ES – Espanol
  • FR – Francais


Meeting Agenda – EN | ES | FR

Agenda items

  1. ED2 updates – EN | ES | FR
    • Annex A Section 13 Inventories – EN only
    • Annex B Section 23 Revenue – EN only
    • Annex C Section 24 Expenses on grants and donations – EN only
    • Annex D Section 30 Foreign currency translation
  1. Specific matters for comment ED2 – EN | ES | FR
  2. ED2 Invitation to comment – EN | ES | FR


The minutes are shared in the form of advice and requests for further information either to or from the TAG.

Advice & Requests


TAG meeting, 18 May, Online

TAG meeting, 28-29 September 2023