January 2023
Time zone: UTC
11:30 - 13:30

TAG meeting, 10 Jan 2023, Online

Note the use of the following acronyms:

  • INPAG = International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance
  • ED = Exposure Draft
  • EN = English
  • ES = Espanol
  • FR = Francais


Agenda in EN | ES | FR

Agenda items

  • Item 1: Grant expenses EN | ESFR
  • Item 2: Revenue EN | ES | FR
  • Item 3: Sections 11, 21 and 22 EN | ES | FR
  • Item 4: Sections 25–28 EN | ES | FR
  • Item 5: Sections 29. 31 and 32 EN | ES | FR
  • Item 6: ED 1 Outreach

TAG papers include sections of draft text for INPAG, which can share publicly under the relevant license agreements and associated copyright notices. In order to translate this material, it needs to go through full due process rather than auto-translate software. We are therefore, regrettably, only able to translate the summary pages of TAG papers during the development phase.


The minutes are shared in the form of agreed ‘Advice’ (since it is an Advisory Group) and ‘Requests’ from the TAG for information or action.



TAG meeting, 29-30 September 2022, London UK

TAG meeting, 28 February 2023, Online