Welcome to our May newsletter. At first glance, ‘International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance’ sounds like a technical accounting project (and it is!) – but it is also pivotal in transforming the entire global funding ecosystem. It will be a game-changer for trust-based philanthropy and locally-led development. The financial reports will show information that goes beyond the specific needs of providers of project-based funding, improving transparency and building trust with a wider range of stakeholders and civil society.
In this month’s newsletter, check out some easy videos to warm up for Exposure Draft 3, and register for our July webinar series. Add your name or logo to our new ‘Support us ’campaign. You can also apply to join one of our new standing Focus Groups, and follow progress from the Advisory Groups.
Mark your calendars for 28 May!️ We’re gearing up for the launch of International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance, Exposure Draft 3. Prepare to dive into the text itself, the summary in three languages, and the video resources. Get updates on INPAG ED3 by clicking here.
To share your feedback as part of the public consultation on ED3, it will help to understand what it contains! During this webinar series, we will present the proposals and have time for questions and feedback. Each free webinar will run for 60 minutes starting at 11:00 UTC/GMT.
You can participate in English, with resources in Spanish and French, and auto-translation into 28 languages.
You can register here.
You and your organistaion can now express your support for the goals of INPAG on our website: improved quality of reporting and reduced burden from multiple formats.
Click on the link to add your name or your organisation’s logo.
Back in 2021, Samantha Musoke ACA and Karen Sanderson recorded some conversations with stakeholders about challenges with financial statements presentation, cost classification, asset accounting and asset valuation in NPOs. These issues remain relevant, and we believe the proposals that INPAG Exposure Draft 3 will address them!
We are looking to establish 4 diverse standing focus groups that we can consult as we finalise INPAG following analysis of feedback from the various Exposure Drafts. The 4 groups will be:
Read the ‘Terms of Reference’. To apply to join the INPAG Focus Group, please click here.
Practitioner Advisory Group (PAG): The PAG met on 2 May 2024, to discuss feedback from Exposure Draft 1 about defining NPOs and narrative reporting. The discussion included:
The papers and recording are available here.
Technical Advisory Group (TAG): The TAG met on 14 May 2024. They discussed the analysis of the responses to Exposure Draft 1 on the topics of narrative reporting, defining NPOs, and the concepts and pervasive principles.
I was delighted when one stakeholder emailed me to say, ‘Did I see a quote from my submission in the TAG paper?’. They were right – it was there – and being used to influence the forward discussions. Your efforts to respond make a difference!
The formal write up will be published shortly, but one noteworthy decision was to address the need for transparent and comparable information about ‘general reserves’, as an important indicator of NPO financial health and resilience.
The papers and recording are available here.