February 2021
Time zone: EST
17:00 - 19:00

Introducing International Financial Reporting for Non-Profit Organisations (IFR4NPO) - ISTR conference

Event Overview

International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) is a global community of scholars, researchers and practitioners who celebrate diversity, non-profit and philanthropic commitment to society and rigorous interdisciplinary approaches in third sector research.

Presenters: Carolyn Cordery, Masayuki Deguchi, Jeff Mechanick.

Non-profit reporting requirements vary considerably globally and there are some issues that even countries with specific non-profit standards still have problems with.

A lack of guidance or standards for non-profit organisations to follow in reporting for grants and donations received, or for subsequent expenditure, for example, makes reporting to supporters problematic. It is also likely to impair good financial management in non-profit organisations. In prior research, 72% of respondents to an international survey stated that an international set of guidance would be useful.

The IFR4NPO project seeks to address gaps in non-profit financial reporting guidance for small and medium organisations by articulating possible solutions and developing guidance on specific topics.  A Consultation Paper will be released for public comment submissions in January 2021. Join us in this webinar, where we will introduce the IFR4NPO project for an academic audience.

This event will provide a brief overview of the project, along with the twelve topics that we believe are the trickiest financial reporting issues that non-profit entities face.  We would welcome participant comments and discussion both online and on the Consultation Paper and subsequent work of IFR4NPO.

Who should attend?

Academics with an interest in non-profit sector accountability and financial reporting.



Future of international financial reporting: not for profits: Asia-Pacific

IFR4NPO Regional Consultation Event – Africa (East & West / English)