South Africa

“I am excited because it is one of the kindest initiatives to visit the profession – its application will hit the core of development of transparency and accountability in the global non-profit community.”

Country Champion

Edmond Shoko-Lekhuleni

Technical Advisor, African Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E)

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Edmond Shoko-Lekhuleni is a pre-eminent thinker, who influences key decision-makers in business strategy, risk, auditing, and corporate governance. He is respected globally for his unique perspectives, his balance of contrarian thinking with measured judgment, and his ability to turn business development insights into viably sustainable ventures.

Edmond has earned a strong reputation within the Public Financial Management space as a top-tier Technical advisor. He advises on Financial, Compliance, Corporate governance and business risk to both private and public sector institutions.

Having served on the South Africa ACCA network panel between 2015 and 2016, he is currently an active Board member of Non-Profit Organisations such as HIDSA and PharmaConnect Africa. He is a Chartered Accountant UK (ACA) (FCCA) and holds an MBA specializing in business strategy and an LLM in International Commercial law. As an UNCTAD Fellow, he is recognized for fresh and innovative ideas as the author of several academic research papers on business strategy and international commercial law.

Edmond is an international citizen having stayed and worked in four countries on two continents over the course of his career. He is an avid public speaker and panel discussion moderator, regularly seen at various international fora including the United Nations.