November 2023
UTC/GMT - please check for your time zone
13:00 - 14:00

ED2 - Revenue from grants & donations

The free online event held in English with resources in French and Spanish.

This webinar covered the proposals in relation to Revenue from grants & donations that are set out in the International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance Exposure Draft 2 (INPAG ED2).

The webinar took the following questions and comments from participants:

Q1: This revenue recognition model seems very complicated at first sight – new terms, and a fairly complex process for recognsing revenue from Enforceable Grant Agreements – yet this is supposed to be for small and medium NPOs?

Q2: Given the complexity of accounting for EGOs, what is the value-add that it brings? Are the benefits worth it?

Q3: The accounting for EGOs (5 step model) looks very similar to the way that ‘contracts for services’ are accounted for in IFRS for SMEs. Why are we bringing for-profit accounting approaches into non-profit transactions?

Q4:The terms income and revenue (Spanish ingresos) are associated with profit. Could we use more non-profit friendly terms like ‘income resources’ or ‘money inflow’.

Q5: How is match funding accounted for in INPAG. For example if a donor gives 80 towards a project costing 100, and the NPO has to provide the other 20?

Q6: How are indirect cost contributions accounted for in INPAG? For example a grant of 50 for direct project costs plus 5 (10%) for indirect project costs?

Q7: If an NPO has a multi year restricted grant, can the revenue be recognised according to the payment plan?

Q8: If there is a capital grant that involves constructing a building ang then using it for a specified purpose over a number of years – the video said the construction and use elements should be two separate EGOs – but how much of the grant amount (for construction) could be allocated to the EGO related to use?

Watch the video below

Download the slide deck here

Recommended videos

Explainer videos for Revenue from grants and donations in English, Spanish and French


INPAG ED2 Overview

To share your voice on this or other topics in Exposure Draft 2, please visit www.ifr4npo.org/have-your-say